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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
It stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It’s this hormonal thing that many women deal with during their baby-making years. Think of it like this: sometimes our bodies get a little extra male hormones (yeah, women have them too, just in teeny amounts). This can mess up the monthly cycles.
Diet and exercise are the first lines of treatment for PCOS. Most PCOS women are resistant to insulin. Making healthy lifestyle changes can help to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce excess weight, and regulate menstrual cycles.
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Polycystic ovarian syndrome, PCOS is a commonly known hormonal disorder in females. Women suffer from irregular menses, unusual hair growth on the body and most of them gain weight too. PCOS Nutrition is equally important in PCOS women. A right diet with adequate exercise will show excellent results in PCOD recovery. PCOS Diet should be dominated with lots of fruits and vegetables daily. Try...
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