Artificial Intelligence is actually an applied and basic topic of Computer Science. Mainly Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence of robots and machines. In the section of Artificial Intelligence, designing intelligent agent is one of the main and important tasks
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100% hands-free, foot-free operated, lidded waste disposal system. The built-in infrared sensor and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Smart-Chip knows when you need to open trash can, and do all the openings and closings for you without touching or step-on anything. No germs on the lid and no odor. Pl
This paper reviews five artificial intelligence tools that are most applicable to engineering problems fuzzy logic, neural networks and genetic algorithms.
Robots are becoming increasingly sophisticated and lifelike. Learn about robots, the latest robot technology and how close we are to artificial intelligence.
This program uses its artificial intelligence to guess chords for you. All you have to do is to load a media file (wav or mp3) and click a button. Chord Pickout will transcribe the music and write down the recognized chords. The process is fully automated. While most of its competitors use simple pa
KnowledgeMiner is a great portal which is related to different types of computer resources. It covers mainly data mining, neural network, artificial intelligence, environments, bioinformatics, mobile, technology and more.
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